Did you know that smoking near your Apple devices could void your warranty? That’s right, if your iPhone, iPad, or Mac malfunctions due to tobacco smoke exposure, Apple won’t cover the repair costs.

The reason behind this policy is the damage caused by the chemicals in cigarette smoke to the sensitive electronic components of the devices. These chemicals can cause the circuit boards to corrode and the cooling systems to clog, leading to overheating, battery problems, and other malfunctions.

But that’s not all. Apple’s warranty also excludes damage caused by other contaminants, such as pet hair, dust, and even perfume. This means that if you spill a drink on your keyboard or drop your device in the sand at the beach, you’re also out of luck.

So, what can you do to avoid voiding your warranty? The best thing you can do is to keep your Apple devices away from smoke and other contaminants. If you must smoke, do it outside, away from your devices. If you work in a dusty environment or have pets, make sure to clean your devices regularly and use protective cases.

In conclusion, if you’re an Apple user and a smoker, you should be aware of the potential risks to your devices and take steps to minimize them. While it may be tempting to smoke while using your iPhone or MacBook, the cost of repairing or replacing a damaged device could be much higher than the cost of quitting smoking altogether.

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