Did you know that the iconic Hollywood sign was not originally intended to be a symbol of Tinseltown glamour? In fact, it was a real estate ad for a housing development called “Hollywoodland.” Let’s dive into the history of this famous sign and learn some interesting facts about its origins.

The Beginning of the Hollywoodland Sign

In 1923, a wealthy real estate developer named Harry Chandler decided to promote his new housing development in the hills above Hollywood. The development was called “Hollywoodland,” and Chandler wanted a big, bold way to get people’s attention.

Chandler commissioned the construction of a massive, illuminated sign that spelled out “Hollywoodland” in letters that were each 30 feet tall. The sign was made of wood and metal and was designed to be a temporary installation, meant to stay up for only 18 months.

The sign was first lit up on July 13, 1923. It was a huge success and quickly became a local landmark. People loved the sign and began associating it with the glamour and excitement of the movie industry that was thriving in Hollywood at the time.

The Sign Evolves

Over time, the Hollywoodland sign began to fall into disrepair. By the 1940s, the sign had become a bit of an eyesore, with some of the letters missing or broken.

In 1949, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce decided to remove the “land” from the end of the sign, making it simply read “Hollywood.” The chamber also replaced the old wooden and metal sign with a new version made of steel, which was designed to be a more permanent fixture.

The Hollywood Sign Today

Today, the Hollywood sign is an internationally recognized symbol of show business and celebrity culture. It has appeared in countless movies and TV shows and is a popular tourist attraction.

Over the years, the sign has undergone several renovations and restorations, including a major overhaul in 1978 when it was completely rebuilt using concrete and steel.

In 2010, a group of investors led by Playboy founder Hugh Hefner raised $12.5 million to buy and restore the land surrounding the Hollywood sign, ensuring that it will remain a part of the Los Angeles landscape for generations to come.

So, the next time you see the Hollywood sign, remember that it was originally intended to be a real estate ad for a housing development, not a symbol of the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. But over time, it has evolved into something much more than that, becoming an iconic part of American pop culture.

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