Did you know that Lady Gaga is so afraid of ghosts that she has a machine installed in her home to detect their presence? It’s true! In this blog post, we’ll explore Lady Gaga’s fear of ghosts and the machine she uses to keep them at bay.

Lady Gaga’s Fear of Ghosts

Lady Gaga has always been open about her fears and anxieties, and one of her biggest fears is ghosts. In fact, she’s so afraid of ghosts that she’s had to take extreme measures to feel safe in her own home.

In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Lady Gaga revealed that she believes in ghosts and has had a number of spooky experiences in her life. “I have this electric feeling and I get stigmata on my body when something is about to happen,” she said. “My mom has it too.”

Lady Gaga’s Ghost Detector

To help ease her fears, Lady Gaga has installed a machine in her home that is designed to detect the presence of ghosts. The machine is called an Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) reader, and it works by detecting changes in electromagnetic fields. According to ghost hunters, these changes can indicate the presence of a ghost.

Lady Gaga’s EMF reader is connected to her phone, and it alerts her if it detects any unusual electromagnetic activity. “I have lots of them,” she said. “They use electromagnetic fields to detect if there are ghosts in the room. I have them all over the place.”

While some people might find Lady Gaga’s fear of ghosts strange or irrational, it’s actually quite common. According to a survey by YouGov, 45% of Americans believe in ghosts, and 28% say they have personally felt the presence of a ghost. So Lady Gaga is far from alone in her fear.

Lady Gaga’s Love of the Paranormal

Despite her fear of ghosts, Lady Gaga has always been fascinated by the paranormal. In fact, she’s even said that she would love to star in a horror movie someday.

“I’m a big fan of horror movies and spooky things,” she said in an interview with MTV News. “I think they’re really exciting and I would love to be a part of something like that someday.”

Lady Gaga has also expressed her love of the TV show American Horror Story, and she’s even starred in several seasons of the show. So while she may be afraid of ghosts in real life, she’s certainly not afraid to explore the supernatural in her work.

Seem unusual, but it’s very common

Lady Gaga’s fear of ghosts may seem unusual, but it’s actually quite common. And her decision to install an EMF reader in her home shows just how seriously she takes her fear. Whether or not you believe in ghosts, there’s no denying that Lady Gaga’s fear is very real to her.

But despite her fear, Lady Gaga has never shied away from the paranormal. In fact, she’s embraced it in her work and has even expressed a desire to star in a horror movie. So while she may be afraid of ghosts, she’s certainly not afraid to explore the unknown.

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